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Studying at BLC
Studying at BLC
Course Delivery
Blue Lotus College ensures the highest standard of learning by delivering our business and accounting courses in a variety of ways. These include classroom lectures, simulated accounting environments, workshops, presentations, learning management systems, tutorials, and supervised study. Learners are encouraged to maximize their time in the classroom by participating in discussions, sharing opinions, and working together in groups. Presentations and roleplay scenarios will also form an essential part of the course.
Course Assessment
Assessment is based on all aspects of learning and covers class performance, skills demonstrations, work-based programs, written exams, and assignments such as case studies and projects.
Learners will be made aware of how and when they will be assessed and given the opportunity to address and retake any competencies not achieved. Visit our Policies page for full details of Blue Lotus College’s assessment procedures.
Qualifications Issued
Blue Lotus College’s qualifications are recognized nationally and granted in accordance with the principles, guidelines, and standards set by the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) and VET Quality Framework (VQF) alongside TAFE and short courses. Learners will be awarded a certificate of qualification on successful completion of all assessment requirements.
If studying for a part-qualification, a Statement of Attainment will be issued for all completed competencies.
Change of Address
To ensure Learners receive all important and formal communications, they must inform the college of their residential address, email address, and telephone number, and keep these details up to date.
Blue Lotus Code of Conduct
Blue Lotus College is committed to equal opportunity for all, regardless of gender, religion, culture, race, sexual orientation, age, disability, or socio-economic status. Learners must uphold these rights for all, and treat others fairly and with courtesy. They should maintain an environment that is free from all forms of intimidation and discrimination, and which supports everybody’s access to learning without interference from others. All Learners can expect to work in a place that is safe, clean, orderly, and cooperative. Personal and institute property must be respected and protected from damage or misuse.
Blue Lotus College holds its Learners to strict standards of behavior. Allegations of plagiarism, collusion, and cheating will be investigated and where infringement is proven, any marks gained will be overturned and the VET unit of competency must be retaken. The Learner is responsible for any associated charges this incurs. Further and continued incidents will result in suspension or expulsion.
All work submitted must be the Learner’s own in order to accurately represent their level of competence. Read the full Plagiarism and Cheating Policy.
Unique Learner Identifier (USI)
All Learners undertaking vocational education and training must hold a valid USI in order to track progress and achievement. These are issued by the government and must be supplied to the College upon enrolment. Certificates, Statements of Attainment, and training transcripts are all linked to a Learner’s USI, and cannot be issued without it. For details on USI, visit www.usi.gov.au. Speak to Learner Services if you need help applying for your USI.
Credit Transfer
Learners who have already completed courses at other institutions can be given recognition or credit for their qualifications at Blue Lotus College. A written application for credit transfer must be logged, along with a verified transcript, award, or Statement of Attainment. Application forms for credit transfer are available on our Policies page.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Blue Lotus College welcomes learners from all backgrounds, and other forms of education and training can be applied to your assessment for the qualification. Those who believe they already hold some of the course competencies may apply in writing for RPL. Proof of competency will be assessed through documents such as resumes, work performance appraisals, descriptions of positions held, and any certificate of in-house or formal training. You may be asked to provide contact details of referees who can vouch for your experience. Application forms for RPL are available on our Policies page.
Payment of Fees
Course fees include the cost of tuition, campus facilities, and your Learner identification card. Fees for full-fee, Fee-for-Service, and Learners are payable as per the agreed fee payment plan or schedule, provided at the time of enrolment. Blue Lotus College does not accept upfront payments in excess of $1500 AUD.
Fee Help
Blue Lotus College believes that financial hardship should not be a barrier to learning, and offers Fee Help based on academic merit and distinguishing achievements. Assistance may include a discount on tuition fees, the level of which will be decided by the College’s CEO and Academic Board.
Materials and Equipment
Each Learner will receive a set of learning materials, comprising workbooks, assessment records, and textbooks applicable to their course. Fees for any further materials may apply. Trainers will communicate any extra recommended learning resources to Learners.
All Learners should have a personal laptop computer including word processing software equivalent to Microsoft Word, an email platform such as Microsoft Outlook, and Adobe Acrobat 8 or higher.
Complaints / Appeals
Blue Lotus College values feedback from learners and deals with complaints and appeals as the highest priority.
Issues can be lodged either formally or informally. If learners are dissatisfied with the outcome, they can launch a formal appeal to Student Services in writing. Further appeals can be made externally with a mediation agency leader.
Blue Lotus College’s complaints and appeals process do not affect learners’ consumer rights, and further external assistance can be sought if necessary. Please refer to our Complaints and Appeals policy.
Upcoming Events
Jan.2025Australia Day
January 26 marks the anniversary of the arrival of the First Fleet in Australia. In 1994, it became a national public holiday.
Mar.2025Labour Day
Labour Day in Victoria is a public holiday that takes place on the second Monday in March. It’s a day to honor those who fought for better working conditions in Australia.
Mar.2025End of 1st Term
Apr.2025Start of 2nd Term
Apr.2025Good Friday
Public Holiday
Apr.2025Saturday before Easter Sunday
Public Holiday
Apr.2025Easter Sunday
Public Holiday
Apr.2025Easter Monday
Public Holiday
Apr.2025ANZAC Day
Public Holiday
Jun.2025King’s Birthday
Public Holiday
Nov.2025Melbourne Cup Day
Public Holiday
Dec.2025Christmas Day
Public Holiday
Dec.2025Boxing Day
Public Holiday